Monday, December 27, 2010

Panny FZ35

I wanted to a buy a non-SLR camera which is not a basic one. I have done research and finally chose few cameras with Canon SX-20IS being the top of the them. But by the time I wanted to buy the camera, it was beyond my range (>$350). Then, I went for my second choice, which is Panasonic FZ35. After reading a lot of reviews, I found that Panasonic FZ35 is comparable to (and in someways better than) Canon SX20IS. I am not even a beginner in photography to judge, but I am very much satisfied with my Panny pics. On Nov 25 2010, I have ordered it on Amazon and got it by Nov 29 2010 for $260 (which was exactly my budget).

I intend to use this blog to write about my experiences with Panny FZ35.

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